Bethel is a secure facility, which means our doors will be locked 24/7. If you stop by to visit a resident or have an appointment with one of our staff, you will press the call button located in our front entry to be given access to the building. Once inside, please see our front receptionist to receive a visitor badge.
Ensuring our residents’ safety in their home is always our highest priority.
Influenza Alert
Influenza is currently widespread in our area so in an effort to protect our elders, staff, and their families please wear a mask at this time. IF you are experiencing any signs of the flu please avoid visitation at this time.
Symptoms can include:
Fever, Cough, Sore throat, Sneezing, Runny or Stuffy Nose, Headache, Nausea or Vomiting, Body Aches.
If you must visit, please take precautions such as washing your hands or using alcohol based hand sanitizer, obtain a respiratory mask at the front desk and/or nurses station, utilize tissues to cover nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing and dispose of contaminated items properly.
The Bethel Staff Sincerely Thanks You for Your Cooperation.