August Monthly News
It is hard to believe that it has been over a year ago that land was purchased for a new Bethel facility! While I’m sure from the outside it seems that construction should be started and walls going up, there are a lot of things that need to happen before bricks can be laid and walls be hoisted...
This past year has been full of planning, designing and meetings (oh so many meetings!) as we strategically look toward the future of caring for our residents from the region. The littlest details are being researched and options are being looked into to ensure we make their home as nice and as ‘user friendly’ as possible. Department heads have been consulted, outside industry leaders talked to, and many man hours spent on finding the best solutions for our staff and residents. Not to mention the time spent on designing informational brochures and placards for “sneak peeks” for staff, residents and community members alike.
While no one is more excited and ready for this move than we are, we aren’t quite there yet. Architecture, Fundraising and Construction all need to happen to make this need a reality!
If you are interested in partnering with Bethel in this life changing event, please reach out today! The Foundation is happy to talk with you regarding financial giving options and I am always here to answer questions about the future of our care in the new building.
Thank you for your continued prayers – we couldn’t do what we do, without the care and generosity of our community!