October Monthly News

First a big “thank you” to those who were able to join us for our Annual Meeting, September 18th. We were happy to once again host this event on-site in our Activity Room! The last few years have been hosted off site due to the pandemic, but it felt good to be back in our own facility for this yearly meeting of members and delegates.

Not only did we share the yearly usuals of resident numbers, financials and general business updates, but we were thrilled to show a quick 3D walk through of our proposed new facility! It feels so great to finally be able to share some details with the community and with our partners in care. This project is still very much in its infancy, as we now “roll up our sleeves” and focus on fundraising this massive undertaking. It won’t be easy, cheap, or quick, but it is so needed for our residents and the future of care in the Williston Basin. We look forward to the meetings with churches, organizations and invested community members as we continue to drive this “New Place to Call Home” to completion.

If you are interested in having myself, The Foundation or specific Board members come share information with a group you are involved with, please reach out – we would love to come share our passion for our future with you.

As always, we truly thank you for your continued prayers & support.  We couldn’t exist, without the care and generosity of our community! 


2024 NDLTCA Caregiver Award Nominations are Open


August Monthly News